HIPAA Training Danvers

If you are planning to hire healthcare providers or medical billing companies, make sure they have a HIPAA compliance training certificate to ensure that your patients’ information will be safe. For companies, there are HIPAA compliance training on privacy and HIPAA compliance training on security. People and businesses affiliated with healthcare companies also have to know about HIPAA compliance in Danvers.

HIPAA-compliant affiliates of healthcare providers can be trusted with patients’ information. They make sure that your data is safe. New England Accounts Receivable Management is one of the companies you can trust.

We offer a wide range of solutions tailored to meet the needs of healthcare organizations. These include medical billing, credentialing, and medical billing consulting. To help you remain compliant with HIPAA, our company offers secure electronic medical records system services.

What Is HIPAA?

HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It is a federal law that was passed in 1996.

There are two main rules under HIPAA: the Security Rule and the Privacy Rule.

The Privacy Rule revolves around patients and their right to control the way their protected health information (PHI) is used. It establishes a set of standards that cover the confidentiality of PHI in all formats: oral, paper, and electronic.

Meanwhile, under the Security Rule, covered entities are required to place safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, security, and integrity of electronic PHI.

These two rules must be strictly followed in order for professionals and organizations to achieve HIPAA compliance. Danvers companies and individuals who work within the healthcare industry should undergo HIPAA compliance training courses so they can be more familiar with these rules and their implementation.

HIPAA compliance training is conducted to educate medical professionals regarding the correct implementation of the act. Also, courses may focus more on one rule over the other, depending on the needs of the individual or the organization.

Kinds of HIPAA Training Courses

Any organization or person connected to the industry that handles healthcare information should undergo HIPAA compliance training. Healthcare partners can facilitate HIPAA compliance training for all of their employees including new hires. This helps ensure that everyone is aware of compliance and how to accomplish it.

HIPAA compliance training courses can be customized depending on the requirements and goals of the organization or individual.

  • HIPAA Compliance Training for Individuals

If you plan to work in the healthcare industry, HIPAA compliance training certification will benefit you. It is additional knowledge, and having this means you are aware of the importance of HIPAA compliance in Danvers. Depending on the provider you choose, you may be able to select from HIPAA compliance training courses specific to your job role.

  • HIPAA Compliance Training for Organizations

Businesses connected to the healthcare industry that have access to patients’ information should undergo HIPAA compliance training. There are two HIPAA courses for organizations that involve two regulations: the HIPAA training class on Privacy and the HIPAA training class on Security.

  • HIPAA Compliance Training – Privacy

This HIPAA training class focuses on ensuring the confidentiality of patient information on all mediums. If you or your organization uses PHI in any form, whether paper or electronic, then this HIPAA training class is a must.

  • HIPAA Compliance Training – Security

If you handle electronic PHI, you should take the HIPAA training class. Topics include making sure that electronic PHI is safe from hackers, disasters, and theft.

How Can an Organization Achieve HIPAA Compliance in Danvers?

Unlike with individual HIPAA compliance in Danvers, compliance in Danvers companies is a bit more arduous. For everyone to adhere to HIPAA standards, some steps can be made to ensure compliance in Danvers companies. Here are some steps business owners can take to achieve compliance in Danvers offices:

  • STEP 1: Have all employees who handle credentials and PHI attend a HIPAA training class. This can be conducted online or in person.
  • STEP 2: Create policies and manuals about HIPAA compliance in Danvers based on information gleaned from the courses.
  • STEP 3: Implement safeguards and rules as laid out in the manual.
  • STEP 4: Schedule remediation and an audit on HIPAA compliance training implementation and policies.
  • STEP 5: Appoint compliance officers and staff to create a compliance program or implement it if one already exists. They will also oversee employees’ HIPAA compliance training.

Which Companies and Individuals Need to Get HIPAA Compliance Training

HIPAA compliance training can be tailored according to the healthcare companies’ and their partners’ needs. HIPAA compliance training providers offer courses to individuals within or affiliated with the healthcare industry including:

  • Individuals Who Need HIPAA Compliance Training
    • Mental health professionals
    • Behavioral health professionals
    • Healthcare and medical personnel
    • Medical students and interns
    • Clinical social workers
    • Lawyers involved in healthcare
  • Organizations That Benefit From HIPAA Compliance Training
    • Hospitals
    • Insurance Companies, Brokers, and Agents
    • Dental offices
    • Medical offices
    • Medical transcription companies
    • Care centers
    • Nursing homes
    • Medical equipment providers
    • Pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies
    • Medical billing and collection companies

How Often Should Companies and Individuals Undergo HIPAA Compliance Training?

If you already have a HIPAA compliance training certificate, it will be good for two years. After that, you would need to undergo HIPAA compliance training refresher courses.

How often HIPAA compliance training refresher courses are provided depends on the need of the organization. Some companies have yearly refresher courses to ensure all their employees’ compliance in Danvers. 

How Do You Maintain Compliance in Danvers?

Keeping information safe is important, especially in the healthcare industry. Most healthcare organizations and some of their partners attend HIPAA courses. can keep the compliance in Danvers healthcare companies by following some rules for compliance in Danvers offices. Here are some things to do to avoid violations for compliance in Danvers.

For individuals:

  • Promptly release information to patients.
  • Do not leave files in accessible places.
  • Give correct patient information so you can achieve compliance in Danvers.
  • Do not discuss a patient’s condition with friends and family.
  • Avoid talking about the patient in public places to ensure HIPAA compliance in Danvers.
  • Log out of your computer every time you leave the desk to prevent information theft and maintain HIPAA compliance in Danvers offices.
  • Shred patients’ records when disposing to avoid information theft and ensure compliance in Danvers workplaces.
  • Do not take snips or photos of data and send them through email. Uploading information on social media is a huge violation of HIPAA.
  • Avoid looking for a patient’s information for self-interest.
  • Do not store data on public machines or on your computer. Delete files after finishing work.

For companies:

  • Keep patients’ files in protected places with passwords and access codes to maintain compliance in Danvers offices.
  • Do not make patients sign a shared sign-in sheet. This actually breaches privacy and risks compliance in Danvers workplaces.
  • Have regular audits to ensure that everyone follows what was taught during HIPAA compliance training.
  • Review and revise rules every year to address any possible problems with your policies on HIPAA compliance in Danvers.
  • Educate employees and affiliates about criminal and civil penalties of misuse of information.
  • Schedule HIPAA compliance training for the employees.

Choose a Reliable Medical Billing Company

New England Accounts Receivable Management has been serving the healthcare industry since 1988 and represents more than 150 physicians in New England. Backed by more than three decades of experience, we offer a wide range of services to more than 50 practices.

New England Accounts Receivable Management wants you to be able to focus on your practice and patients. We will help you minimize compliance risks and ensure patient security. At the same time, we will work with you so you can increase your profits and address accounting problems.

Free yourself from the stress of medical billing and credentialing. Contact us today!