Worker’s Comp

We can make Worker’s Comp work for you!

Worker’s Comp patient billing can be very frustrating, and highly unprofitable with all the pitfalls that come with the numerous and unforgiving procedures of the various insurance companies. Just dealing and keeping track of the many different insurance company’s rules can increase your back-end staff to catastrophic rates. Let us smooth the way to a very profitable and long term patient relationship by collecting for your services rendered.


      • We… Process your claims in a clean, efficient manner; in a proactive way that eliminates rejections and denials. Over 30+ years of experience allows us the inside knowledge that gives us an inside presence in this often confusing process.
      • We…Actively intercede and justify real payments for your services instead of industry standard DIA rates forced upon you.
      • We…Immediately personally contact the adjuster or underwriter whenever a claim is challenged or denied.
      • We…Have specialists who work only in WC areas, so that have the personal relationships and past trust of the insurance companies.
      • We…Process ALL of your claims locally and in house so any problems bring a name and face to the problem. Not just a world away computer screen.
      • We… are, simply, the experts in the field of WC billing and recovery.